Moderator Commands

!add_link_to_blacklist <link>
!add_blacklist <link>


This command is usable by Community Relations (A)SH and users with the Administrator role on the ESL Staff server.

Adds a link to the blacklist for suspicious websites. If a message contains such a string, it gets deleted automatically.

!add_word_to_blacklist [words...]


This command is usable by Community Relations (A)SH and users with the Administrator role on the ESL Staff server.

Adds words to the blacklist for abusive words. If a message contains such a string, it gets deleted automatically.

!mute_channel <channel> [duration]


This command is usable by members with at least one of the following roles: Moderator, Staff Team Lead, Assisting Staff Head, Staff Head, TOPS.

Mutes the given channel for duration. duration in hours. Default duration is six hours.

!unmute_channel <channel>


This command is usable by members with at least one of the following roles: Moderator, Staff Team Lead, Assisting Staff Head, Staff Head, TOPS.

Unmutes the given channel.