Sony Commands


These commands are only available to bot owners.


Creates default welcome message

!sony_add_game <message_id> [<game name> <reaction>...]

Adds game(s) with given game, emoji to welcome message with given message_id

!sony_del_game <message_id> [<reaction>...]

Deletes game(s) with given game, emoji to welcome message with given message_id; questions tree is preserved

!sony_add_branch <game> [<leaf>...]

Sets up questions sequence. Questions are set up in this order: ‘edition’, ‘platform’, ‘mode’, ‘tournament’, ‘region’. Use skip to skip steps. For example: !sony_add_branch FIFA “FIFA 11” skip skip “New Tournament” MENA

!sony_del_branch <game> [<leaf>...]

Cleans up questions sequence.

!sony_init_roles [game]

Creates roles for currently configured questions sequences for a game or all games if not set

!sony_edit_msg <message_id> <description>

Edits the Embed in the given message_id.

!sony_renew_reaction [emoji...]

Removes and adds the given emoji to the provided message. Most likely to be used when a reaction on a welcome message broke.

!sony_add_announcement <message> [channel_id...]

Adds a message which will be announced at the next iteration of the announcment task.

!sony_del_announcement [channel_id...]

Deletes all announcement messages for channel_id.


Starts the announcement task.


Stops the announcement task.