Staff Commands
- !react [user] [channel] [emoji]
This command is usable by members with at least one of the following roles: Admin Staff, Staff Member, Staff Team Lead, Assisting Staff Head, Staff Head, TOPS.
- Parameters:
user – User who gets mentioned
channel – Channel which will be shown when the user reacted
emoji – Emoji of the reaction on the message in the welcome channel
Sends a message into the original channel which explains the user how to get to see the region-based support channels.
!react @PaxxPatriot !react :flag_eu: !react #eu-support :flag_eu: !react @PaxxPatriot#2666 #eu-support :flag_eu:
- !purge <user|channel> [count] [offset]
This command is usable by anybody who has the
permission.- Parameters:
user|channel – user whose messages will be deleted or channel where messages will be deleted
count – number of messages which will be deleted in total
offset – number of messages to ignore (only necessary when first parameter is a channel)
Deletes up to 100 messages of the provided user or up to 100 messages in the provided channel. If the first argument is a channel, you can set an offset to skip messages.
!purge 299144394546741258 42 !purge #general 54 !purge #off-topic 20 3
- !feedback <user> <topic> <message>
Only usable one time in 5 days.
Sends an anonymous message to the provided user.
can be a mention, string or id. Topic must be set.Examples:
!feedback PaxxPatriot#2666 "Title here" Hello, I really like what I see here. !feedback PaxxPatriot "Staffcup" Hello, I would love to see a Tricky Towers staffcup. !feedback 217021666562146304 "Knowledge" Hello, I like the new wiki.
- !staffcup-ping
Hides the #staffcup channel which turns off any notifications from it.
- !multiban [user_id...]
Bans multiple members from the server. This only works through banning via ID.
- !massban <options>
Mass bans multiple members from the server. The following options are valid:
- Parameters:
--reason – The reason for the ban.
--search – Search members whose username starts with the query given. Example: “Paxx” will find “PaxxPatriot”, “PaxxMember”, “PaxxGuy”, etc.
--show – Show members instead of banning them (no arguments).
!massban --search Paxx --show !massban --search Paxx --reason "Banned for spamming malicious links"