Resources Commands


These commands are only available and usable by members of the ‘Resources’ role on the ESL Staff server.

!clear_roles [user_id...]

Clears the roles of the given users on all ESL Play servers.

!search_server_and_roles <user>

Returns a list of roles and memberships on servers of the given user.

!get_users_roles [role_id...]

Sends a .tsv-File which lists all members with their roles.

!archive_server <server>

Archive a server:

  • Deny @everyone to send messages

  • Clear welcome channel and set a predefined message

  • Remove all roles from any user

!give_role [users...] <role_name>

Adds the given role_name to the users on all servers the bot is present on. Ignores role not present or user not on this server.

!remove_role [users...] <role_name>

Removes the given role_name to the users on all servers the bot is present on. Ignores role not present or user not on this server.