Admin Commands


These commands are only available to bot owners and users who have the Administrator permission on the server.

!add_reaction_msg <description>

Creates a message with an embed containing the description given by the argument.

!edit_msg <message_id> <description>

Edits the Embed in the given message_id.

!add_reaction_role <message_id> <role> <emoji> [<role> <emoji>...]

Creates a connection between a role and an emoji on message_id. After that it adds emoji to the provided message_id.

!del_reaction_role <message_id> [emoji...]

Removes a connection between a role and an emoji on message_id. After that it removes emoji from the provided message_id.

!add_channel_groups <channel_name...>

Creates a category channel for each argument. Title of the category is channel_name. The following permissions are disabled for the “@everyone” role:

  • Read Text Channels & See Voice Channels

  • Connect


Sets up a new server. This includes:

  • Regional emojis (Asia, Latin America).

  • Regional roles (Asia, Europe, North America, Latin America).

  • Embed message in the #welcome channel.